Ballenon and Ballylane


The congregations of Ballenon and Ballylane are a joint charge, both congregations in and of themselves being too small numerically and unable financially to have a pastor of their own.  The church buildings are located just over halfway between Armagh and Newry in the townlands of Loughguilly (Ballenon) and Mowhan (Ballylane). Currently there are two elders in Ballenon and three in Ballylane (one of whom is retired from duties due to advanced age).

For over four years the congregations have been meeting together for worship on the Lord's day using each building alternatively each month.  On average the attendance at worship on Lord's day morning is around 40 and about 20 in the evening.   The age profile of the congregations are such that we do not have many young people.  There are several teenagers among the families of the congregation but, sadly, on average only two attend regularly.  This means we do not have a Sabbath school or CYPS.  Our young people who are interested in spiritual things join with Loughbrickalnd CYPS. 

We have a bi-weekly midweek meeting that is attended by about 15-20 people and also a monthly ladies Bible study led by Lynn Robb.  A new monthly men's Bible study has begun, the goal of which is to build our men up spiritually, to prepare them for roles of leadership and, hopefully, to move us to be the men God intends us to be.


There have been some real encouragements in the past few years with a number of people coming to faith in Christ and a young husband and wife and their newly born daughter from outside our denomination joining us.  We have also seen a few others returning to worship with us and a couple of others joining us from other local non-RP congregations.  Such things have encouraged us.  

Another source of encouragement is a growing measure of acceptance and love for one another between the two congregations and among all the members.  

Like most congregations our plans for outreach have been hampered by the Corona virus pandemic however we do intend to engage in outreach work this Autumn (2021).  This will take the form of literature distribution and the distribution of a DVD that contains a short recording that introduces our congregations and has a short gospel message.  

Matters for prayer

  • That many of our men will attend the newly established Men's Bible study

  • That the women's Bible study will prove spiritually helpful to the women who attend

  • that God would help us all to become more mature in our faith and more committed to serving our Saviour

  • That God would bring other new people from our local communities into our congregations 

  • That God would move our members to be more committed to Evening worship and the prayer meetings of the church. 


Whats Your Calling?


The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.1: Love