A Reformed witness has been sustained in Knockbracken since 1772 and the ministry of the Rev. William Stavely. Over the years, the Lord Jesus Christ has provided Knockbracken with 15 ministers.

The church is situated in the Castlereagh hills just south of Belfast, a city of over 600,000 people.

Lock-down in March 2020 bought a sudden stop in normal church activities.  A time of vacancy commenced in December 2020.

Early in 2022 the congregation issued a call to the Rev. Peter Jemphrey and he was installed as the new minister on the 17th June 2022.

There are two ruling elders.  We have 17 families in membership and 25 communicant members.  In addition, we enjoy support from 9 adherents.  The average attendance at worship services on the Lord’s Day is 30 in the morning and 22 in the evening.

In September 2022, we resumed a full programme of meetings and activities – Sabbath services, morning and evening, Sabbath evening prayer meetings, Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class, Midweek meetings for Bible study or mission focus, monthly Ladies and Men’s Bible studies, Happy Tots, Knockbracken Youth Meetings, monthly psalm singing and guest services.

The church is close by a huge residential area and beyond is Belfast where thousands live following the course of this world, self-seeking, caught in Satan’s snare, without hope and under God’s wrath and curse. We have a burden for so many souls who are in peril.

 On the 25th of November 2022 the congregation celebrated its 250th Anniversary with a special service and on the 12th March members signed the Covenant Renewal 2022.

We make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ are being built up in our most holy faith and equipped for His service.

Matters for prayer

  • Pray that with one mind we would strive side by side for the faith of the gospel.

  • Pray that as a church family we would remain in the vine and bear much fruit to the glory of God.

  • Give thanks for the encouraging numbers who are consistently attending Happy Tots on Wednesday mornings. Pray for the witness and the conversations with mums and child minders.

  • Pray for our new minister as he leads us spiritually and faithfully preaches the Word week by week.

  • Pray for the Go Team and outreach planned for August.


What is Christianity? - Pt 3


The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.5: Kindness