Handel’s Messiah Pt.4


Messiah’ the oratorio, portrays all aspects of Jesus Christ’s messianic mission.  The text of the musical is drawn exclusively from the Scriptures – the Old Testament prophetic references along with their New Testament fulfilment. 

In this fourth article attention is drawn to what happened after Messiah’s suffering and death.  The fact of his ‘passion’ is captured in the ‘Messiah’ with words from Isaiah 53:8  “… he was cut off out of the land of the living … .” 



Had the oratorio stopped at this point it would have ended on a sad note.  Not only that, but it would have been a complete distortion of the gospel message.  The oratorio, of course did not end with the crucifixion.  Triumphantly the tenor, in a solo piece, emphatically reveals the confidence Messiah had in his Father.  He knew death was not the end.  Jesus was aware that the grave would not have the final say.  The One who had “stored up” the divine word in his heart (Psalm 119:11) would have sung with complete assurance in the synagogue about his Father, “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.”  (Psalm 16:10)

The Father did not abandon the soul of his Son to the place of the dead.  God the Father did not permit the body of Messiah to decay.  On the third day God raised him from the dead.  After his resurrection Jesus appeared to many.  These people were eye-witnesses of the great and glorious fact that Messiah, who had been crucified in the place of sinners, was now alive, and alive for evermore, “…the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”  (1 Corinthians 15:20)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead was central in all apostolic preaching.  On the Day of Pentecost, Peter declared to thousands of Jews, “this Jesus … whom you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men God raised up …” and then he quoted from Psalm 16:10.  “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.”



The resurrection of the Messiah was followed by his ascension and then his arrival into heaven.  The oratorio chooses Psalm 24:7-10 to depict the momentous event when the Messiah entered paradise.  The words of verse 7 need a word of explanation – “Lift up your heads, O gates!  And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.”  The “heads” are the pillars on which gates were hung.  Those “heads” were commanded to be “lifted up”, to be raised, so that taller gates could be hung.  This was the practice in ancient times when a king was returning to the city after achieving a notable victory over an implacable enemy.  The lifting of the “heads” of the gates symbolized the extra room needed to enable the king to enter the city, so great, so magnificent was his glory.

How fitting that this command should be frequently repeated in these verses – for described here in this Psalm is no mere earthly king.  Depicted here prophetically is the Messianic King, one who would later be described as, “… King of kings and Lord of lords.” (Revelation 19:16)

Jesus had just completed his mission to earth.  He had lived a life of perfect righteousness for his people.  He had died a substitutionary death on the cross so that their sins would be forgiven.  God the Father had raised him from the dead.  Jesus is now about to enter the heavenly city after a superlative victory; after triumphing over Satan on the Cross.

The question is asked in verse 8 of Psalm 24, “who is this King of glory?”  The answer is resoundingly given and is perfectly clear, “The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, mighty in battle!”  The strength and might of the Lord Jesus is known by the battles he fought and the victories he won – victory over Satan and his demons, victory over sin and death, victory over hell and the grave.

The question is again asked in verse 10, “Who is this King of glory?”  The answer this time is: “The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory!”

Hosts” is a word that encapsulates everything in the created universe. (Psalm 148:3-12)  The Messiah is the Sovereign Lord of men and angels; of princes and all rulers of the earth; mountains and fruit trees; beasts and all livestock; creeping things and flying birds.  In Psalm 148:2 they are described as “all his hosts” and appropriately the command is given – “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty is above earth and heaven.”  (Psalm 148:13)   Jesus Christ is the Sovereign Lord of the universe.

“The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory” is the declaration of Psalm 24.  This is God’s word.  This is the truth the world needs to hear during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Jesus is the Lord of hosts; as King he rules and reigns over all.  “… the Lord God Omnipotent reigns.” (Revelation 19:6 NKJV)

Jesus Christ, having arrived in heaven as the all-conquering Messiah, was crowned with glory and honour when God the Father said on his arrival: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” (Psalm 110:1)



What kind of reception would Jesus be given by the angels?  The oratorio, after referring to the ascension and recognition of Messiah in Psalm 24, takes us to Hebrews 1:6 where the concluding words of the text reveal the activity of the angels: “Let all God’s angels worship him.”

Angels will be around Messiah’s throne along with glorified saints giving worship to the Redeemer of God’s elect as revealed in Revelation 5:11, 12:

“Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing.”

If you belong to the community of faith on earth, then you can anticipate being part of that illustrious company in heaven.  Reader, if you are still not a believer then this is not your prospect.  The prospect of those who die impenitent is described graphically in Revelation 21:8.  “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.”



A resounding note is struck at this point in the oratorio.  “The Lord gives the Word.”  (Psalm 68:11) 

This is followed by the definitive statement: “Great was the company of the preachers” or as it is in the NIV, “Great was the company of those who proclaimed it.”

This brings to mind the activity of the persecuted church after the martyrdom of Stephen.  “Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.” (Acts 1:4)  What the crowds were doing unofficially those called and commissioned were doing officially and are described in the oratorio in words from Romans 10:15, quoting from Isaiah 52:7: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

The picture behind this statement is of a runner coming from the field of battle to bring news of the outcome to the capital city.  When the watchmen on the wall observed a runner sprinting light of foot with long elegant strides, they knew that he was the bearer of good news, news of victory and not defeat.  The message of the Bible is one of good news.  Those called to make known the “good news”, those commissioned to declare the “gospel of peace” are described as having “beautiful feet.”  May the life, character and conduct of those called to preach harmonise with the “gospel of peace” they are called to proclaim.  As a witness you are also called to make known the good news that Jesus died for sinners.  Seek to ensure, by God’s grace, that your life, conduct and witness commends the gospel.

How is the “good news” to be transmitted?  Words from Romans 10:18 are used in the oratorio to answer this question.  “Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.”

The modern missionary movement has taken the gospel to the four corners of planet earth.  The Holy Spirit, through the Psalmist, defined the divine purpose for humanity in Psalm 113:2.  “From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”  This must have seemed like a distant dream to the apostles.  Now in 2020 readers of this magazine know people who are praising the Lord where the sun rises (Japan) and also where it sets (San Francisco). Thank God for the way the “good news” has been proclaimed and for the worldwide growth of the Christian church.  

You have heard the gospel.  Many, if not all of you, know the Messiah as your Saviour and King.  In this time of lockdown ensure that in your home and with your family, as you gather for worship each Sabbath, the name of the Lord is being praised.  Remember the commitment of Joshua. “But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)


Dont Worry Be Happy


Handel’s Messiah Pt.1