Name Above All Names (Alistair Begg & Sinclair Ferguson)
Alistair Begg & Sinclair Ferguson
Every name has a meaning. Whether or not the individual lives up to their name is a different or perhaps even irrelevant matter. Unless you know me you cannot know whether the meaning of my name “princess” bears any resemblance to my character (a survey of popular opinion is not required). A title will perhaps provide you with more information of, for example, my profession or whether or not I live in Buckingham Palace. Whilst arguably our names and titles hold little importance and provide no more than a small glimpse into our lives, there is a Name above all others (Philippians 2:9). His name holds the greatest of importance, for “there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
The glorious name of our Saviour and the titles that are bestowed on him within Scripture are far more important and instructive than any names or titles we could hold. These names and titles enable a deepening of our understanding of Christ. This book explores some of the most common titles associated with Jesus: Great High Priest, Conquering King, Seed of the Woman, Son of Man, Suffering Servant and the Lamb on the Throne. The well-written chapters seek to lift our hearts and mind to ponder and wonder at our ineffable Saviour. Perhaps much of our lukewarm Christian lives, collective and individual, stems from the simple fact that we don’t know or meditate on the wonders of Christ. The best Christian books to read are ones that take you explicitly to Christ. This is such a book. Only by continuing to gaze and look at Jesus can we be turned away from ourselves and live lives worthy of the calling we have received in the Gospel (Ephesians 4:1).