Psalm Expositions, Bible Messenger Magazine Psalm Expositions, Bible Messenger Magazine

Psalm 121

Psalm 121, the second song of ascents, was often sung as the people began their journey towards Jerusalem for the festivals. This psalm brought comfort and confidence in the Lord as he protected the people on their journey.

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Prof. David McKay Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Prof. David McKay

Psalm 33

War is a terrible thing. Those who are most in favour of war are generally those who are safe in the knowledge that they will never be called upon to fight. War brings suffering beyond description – to combatants and non-combatants: lives destroyed, bodies and minds devastated.

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Media, Culture, Current Affairs, Bible Rev. Philip Dunwoody Media, Culture, Current Affairs, Bible Rev. Philip Dunwoody

Why the Written Word Matters

Since you’re reading this article, presumably you agree with me that written words matter. In fact, they matter a great deal. As the digital revolution continues to change the way men and women communicate around the world, there have been some who bemoan the lack of interest in written words: many traditional libraries have either disappeared or morphed into internet cafes; older people complain that young people are too “glued to their phones” to do any serious reading; a sharp drop in the use of Christmas cards, postcards and private letters all suggest that the written word doesn’t hold the same importance as once it did.

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Biblical Examples, Bible, Life Advice Matthew Magee Biblical Examples, Bible, Life Advice Matthew Magee

King Josiah

King Josiah began his thirty-one year reign over Judah at the early age of eight and he is known to be the last good king to rule over Judah. At the age of sixteen whilst he was “yet a boy” he began to seek God (2 Chronicles 34:3). Others around him were caught up in the idolatry that was rife throughout the nation but Josiah sought God alone and sought him wholeheartedly. He didn't delay pursuing God until he was older so he could enjoy himself in the present and as a king he certainly would have had the means to do as he pleased.

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. James Blair Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. James Blair

Psalm 93

Just over a year ago over 20 million people in the United Kingdom, and many more from around the world watched on the televisions as the first monarch was crowned in Westminster Abbey nearly 70 years

King Charles III, along with Queen Camilla, was crowned in a lavish ceremony in Westminster Abbey.
The Abbey was filled with 2200 guests from 203 countries. These included members of the British royal family, church leaders, prominent politicians from the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, along with many other foreign heads of state.

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Numbers, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. David McCullough Numbers, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. David McCullough


You will have heard the saying, “Never judge a book by its cover”, but maybe we could add to that, “Never judge a book by its title”, at least not this book, for unless you are a number nerd you might be tempted to skip or at least fast forward through a piece of literature with the ironic title of “Numbers”.

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Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.7: Faithfulness

In several places in the OT, the phrase 'the Rock' is used as a grand title for God Himself. This title 'the Rock' speaks to us of God's faithfulness. 'The Rock' conveys how God is unchanging, utterly faithful and constant in His care.

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Nahum, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Robert Robb Nahum, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Robert Robb


The book of Nahum is a message about the certainty of God's judgment against those who persist in sin and in a spirit of rebellion against God and also a message of comfort to God's people reminding them that despite how things seem at present, ultimately God's justice against and punishment of His and his people's enemies will take place.

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Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.6: Goodness

A young man ran up to Jesus. This guy was one of life’s success stories, a rising star in society who seemed to have the world at his feet. Though young, already he had gained wealth, position and prestige, but he was struggling spiritually. In spite of his success and wealth, his soul wasn't satisfied. Deep down he knew something crucial was missing from his life. So, he ran to Jesus and fell on his knees with a question burning in his heart: ‘Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?’ Jesus replied, ‘Why do you call Me good? No one is good - except God alone.’ These words of Jesus highlight three major truths that dominate Scripture

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Ephesians, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Prof. David McKay Ephesians, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Prof. David McKay


The city of Ephesus was one of the greatest cities in the Roman Empire, situated on major trade routes and so extremely prosperous. It was also a very important religious centre, with temples dedicated to various gods and goddesses. Its main claim to fame was the splendid temple of Artemis (the Roman Diana) which drew pilgrims from distant places and generated significant income for the manufacturers of silver shrines (Acts 19:24ff).

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Paul Flynn Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Paul Flynn

Psalm 1

What does it mean to be blessed? Does it mean fame, money, or a long life? No, the Psalmist in Psalm 1 points to the truly Blessed Man. He alone has eternal glory, eternal riches, and eternal life. It is in Him alone we are blessed. It is Him we must know to be blessed eternally.  

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Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.5: Kindness

In your day to day activities and relationships, is God's kindness shining through you to others? Do people see something of the kindness of God by how you treat them and talk with them? If you have truly experienced God's grace in your life, an inward transformation will be taking place within you and this will be seen outwardly in how you serve others with kindness.

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2nd Peter, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Samuel McCollum 2nd Peter, Books of the Bible, Bible Rev. Samuel McCollum

2nd Peter

2 Peter was written to Christians who were facing danger on two fronts. There was the external threat from an increasingly hostile environment, and there was also an internal threat from false teachers who had infiltrated the church. 1 Peter was written to address the external threat, and 2 Peter deals with the internal threat.

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Stephen Fallows Psalm Expositions, Bible Stephen Fallows

Psalm 37

Psalm 37 was been given to us to teach us how to think and act when we see the wicked prospering while the righteous are in disgrace and adversity. How do we reconcile these two things in our minds? We can easily get sucked into a downward spiral of doubt, resentment and discouragement. But this Psalm can give us much understanding and encouragement in such times.

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Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery Bible Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.4: Patience

We live in an age described as ‘the now generation’ (Alvin Toffler). Everyone seems to want everything ‘now’. We've instant coffee, fast food, entertainment at the press of our fingertips, millions buying goods on credit that they can’t afford, sports teams expecting instant success from their managers, and many seeking gratification before the commitment and covenant of marriage.

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. David Fallows Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. David Fallows

Psalm 113

At the three great annual festivals in Israel, God’s people would sing Psalms 113-118. Therefore Ps 113 would have been one of the psalms that the Lord Jesus would have sung in the upper room at the Passover meal on the night before His crucifixion. What is there in this Psalm that would have helped our Lord in facing up to what lay before Him?

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Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Steven Robinson Psalm Expositions, Bible Rev. Steven Robinson

Psalm 54

Have you ever been abandoned, rejected or betrayed by someone, especially someone you knew, even by someone you thought was yourfriend? If you have, then you’ve shared a similar experience to David in this psalm, and there are lessons for you from the psalm. The background
to it is that King Saul, who had made himself an enemy of David, was set on killing him. David

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