News, Culture, Current Affairs Rev. Mark Johnston News, Culture, Current Affairs Rev. Mark Johnston

Mercy for Migrants

All ethnic Jews can trace their roots back to forebears who were refugees and migrants. From their original temporary residence in Canaan, to their becoming refugees and then slaves in Egypt, right through to the 40-year trek that took them finally to a homeland of their own, they were 'of no fixed abode' and were often dependent on the kindness of pagan neighbours in order to survive. And God used that kindness - even from their erstwhile oppressors, the Egyptians - to sustain them. But how quickly Israel forgot.

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Theology, News, Culture, Current Affairs James McCullough Theology, News, Culture, Current Affairs James McCullough

Conspiracy Theories

WE ALL love mysteries. Story writers know how we are enticed by a tale where the true causes of an event lie hidden in complex plans devised by powerful institutions. You are drawn in as you follow the hero’s discoveries, and all is put right once the evildoers are exposed and vanquished. The present popularity of conspiracy theories reaches far beyond the world of entertainment.

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