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Fight Song

Listen to Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Rachel Platten had a dream to become a successful singer-song writer. For over a decade she tried to make this dream come true. She wrote a lot of songs. None of them were hits. She travelled across America and sang in small venues sometimes with an audience of just 20 people. She made many CDs of her music, but sold few. What was she doing with her life? She was 32. Most of her friends had solid jobs, houses and families while she was struggling to get by! She had written over hundred songs that no-one seemed to want to hear. Should she give up or keep on singing?

Life can seem like a battle. When we face disappointments, rejection or heart-breaking situations, life can be tough. Music and songs can help us to express our emotions and to cope with challenging circumstances. Sometimes the best songs are written when the writer is feeling at their lowest.

It was at a low point in her life that Rachel wrote “Fight Song”. It was an expression of her determination to carry on writing songs, even if she might never have a hit. Ironically when Fight Song was released in 2015, it became a hit! Dominating the summer radio waves, it became what Rachel had been working so hard for – a success.

The song is particularly poignant for those facing hardships. Fight Song has become an anthem of strength for people fighting life-threatening illness. Over 50 million people have watched a video by metastatic breast cancer patient Holley Kitchen, who, before her death, shared her story as “Fight Song” played in the background. Rachel Platten sang Fight Song at the closing ceremony of the second Invictus Games for wounded, injured or sick armed services personnel and veterans.

The Bible is full of battles. God’s people throughout their history have always had to face enemies - enemies who were trying to wipe them from the face of the earth. Whether it was the Egyptian Pharaohs, the Assyrian Sennacherib, Haman the Agagite or the Romans, there was a constant battle for survival! Today it is no different for God’s people. According to Open Doors, on average, 345 Christians are killed every month – martyrs for their faith in Christ. The Bible often uses the metaphor of a battle to describe the Christian life. We are commanded to ‘put on the whole armour of God’ (Ephesians 6) and ‘fight the good fight of faith’ and are reminded that our fight is ‘not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms’.

So do we have a Fight Song? God has given us a song book, the book of Psalms. As Martin Luther put it, ‘Everyone, in whatever situation he may be, finds in that situation Psalms and words that fit his case, that suit him as if they were put there just for his sake, so that he could not put it better himself, or find or wish for anything better.’ The book of Psalms is full of ‘Fight Songs’ for us to sing as we face our spiritual battles!

I’m going to focus on Psalm 20. It is a short psalm (only 9 verses), so is not hard to memorize. The Psalm was originally sung by the Israelites before they went into battle. How does this fight song that God has given us compare to one of the world’s fight songs?

Let’s take a look at the words used in each song. Compare the chorus of Fight Song with the words of Psalm 20. The difference is striking!

Fight Song

"This is my fight song, take back my life song, my power is turned, I’ll be strong, I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me."

Psalm 20

May the Lord answer you when you are in distress (v1)

May he give you the desire of your heart (v4),

The Lord gives victory (v6)

We trust in the name of the Lord our God. (v7)

Fight Song by Rachel Platten is all about fighting to take back ownership of your life, despite the obstacles. It is about believing in yourself even when no-one else does. It’s about self-reliance and self-sufficiency - this is what the world values. It is telling us that we have the ability to determine the course of our lives, to make our own decisions and to have control. This is the message of the world – it’s all about me!

But an attitude of self-reliance for the Christian is not something to be praised – it is an ever-present danger. It is easy for self-reliance to subtly creep into our lives. Our sinful human hearts are inclined to a gospel that is all about us, relying on our own ability to do God’s work and serve him, seeking congratulation for our spiritual achievements.

Psalm 20 is very different. It’s all about God and what he does for us. It’s asking God to help and to give the victory. It’s humble dependence on God and his power.

Psalm 20 v 5

‘May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banner in the name of our God”

Psalm 20 v 7

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

We rely on God for success! We praise God for the victory!

So let’s sing our Fight Songs – they are found in the Book of Psalms!