Reformed Messenger

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Psalm 33

Doing more than keeping calm

HER MAJESTY the Queen once said at the opening of the Scottish Parliament, “there is a need to stay calm and collected in an increasingly challenging world.” In the aftermath of an EU referendum, with the uncertainty of International politics, and considering our own national state of affairs, people speak as though the world has suddenly come to an end and that our nation has plummeted itself into the dark ages, with no chance of ever seeing the light of day again.

Psalm 33 helps us do more than “stay calm and collected”, but to also have a great reassuring hope. Here is a Psalm for us to sing when everyone else cries out in hopelessness. We have the greatest reason for optimism and hope – we can praise the LORD! The picture given in verses 1-3 is one of magnificent praise being given to God as the congregation of the LORD’s people gather together - the priests, Levites, all the people, all the tribes. They are worshipping the LORD with a new song; new in the sense that they are singing as a response to God’s grace. The song is offering up new praise from out of old trouble, celebrating the end of hardship and the beginning of worship. So what has lead to such confidence and reassurance in an increasingly challenging world?

In verses 4-19 there are four reasons for praise. These are summarized for us in verses 4 and 5.

 “For the word of the LORD is upright, all His work is done in faithfulness, He loves righteousness and justice, and the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD.” 

Firstly, “the word of the LORD is upright”. His Word is powerful and effective, as seen in creation (verses 6-9). God’s Word brings life. Through the Word of His power the world came to be, and through His Word we have salvation. His word changes lives, it changes rulers, authorities, and nations. When God speaks His word is firm and is to be believed. In the challenges of a changing world His truth and His promises are upright and unchanging.

The second reason for praise is, “all His work is done in faithfulness.” In verses 10-12 we have a broader theme than just God’s voice in creation – it is now God’s works in all things. He is in control over every aspect of this world, including the plans and counsel of our rulers and nations. Nothing can overthrow what God the LORD is doing. Remember that His works are perfect and faithful, so why should we fear in the challenges of a changing world?

A further reason for praise is that “He loves righteousness and justice.” In verses 13-15, God sees all the children of man. He sees every thing that every human being does and He knows the intentions of everyone’s heart and thoughts. The LORD in heaven looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth - He sees all their deeds.

In a challenging and changing world we see unrighteous people and leaders seeming to prosper, not being held to account for their actions. But God sees. God knows. God will deal in justice and righteousness. They will have to stand before Jesus Christ and explain their deeds. He will only deal with people according to His righteousness; a righteousness that saves His people and condemns those who reject Him.

The fourth reason for praise is “The LORD’s covenant, steadfast love”. If we are trusting in politics, media or celebrities to save us from a changing and challenging world then we will be very disappointed. Those who trust in man will only fall as verses 16-19 make clear; “Just as a king is not saved by his army, or a soldier by his strength, so a horse is a vain hope for salvation.” God is our only hope as a nation, as a church, and as individuals. We must look to Him in a challenging world. Salvation comes only from the LORD. In Jesus Christ His steadfast covenant love is upon us, and His eye is upon us as His beloved children.

We have the answer that our world so desperately needs in these changing and challenging times. And this leads finally to the conclusion reached in verses 20-22; we are to wait, we are to be glad and we are to hope. Our soul “waits for the LORD”. We wait for God’s timing, we wait in the midst of challenges, and we wait for the coming again of Christ Jesus. We wait with a certain amount of tension knowing we will live in challenging times but looking forward in confidence to the full and final victory of Christ Jesus.

We are “glad in Him”. We trust with certainty that God’s ways will come about, and this causes us to be people who rejoice. We should be marked out as people who are glad in Jesus Christ. We praise God in all circumstances because He is faithful. “We hope in you”. The psalm finishes with a prayer for God’s covenant steadfast love to be upon us in Christ as we continue to look to him.

We can do more than “stay calm and collected”, because we have a great reassuring hope. We have a God whose Word is upright, whose works are faithful, who loves righteousness and justice and who has set on us his Covenant love in Jesus Christ. This gives us great joy and a reason for rejoicing, even in challenging and changing times.