Covenant Renewal
How should God’s people respond to such great salvation? The heart of their response ought to be love. An obvious question arises: how are God’s people to express that love?
Covenant Renewal
Occasionally some married couples renew their wedding vows. They may do so for a variety of reasons, but their goal is to strengthen their marriage by renewal of their covenant.
Covenant Renewal
Part 2
Covenant Renewal at any time or in any place must consist of a renewed pledge of loving loyalty and devoted obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Covenant Renewal
Covenants, covenant renewal and covenant commitment were major aspects of the First (Sixteenth Century) and Second (Seventeenth Century) Scottish Reformations. But where did our spiritual ancestors get this idea of covenanting?
The Holy Spirit
It was on the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were sitting together that the place was filled with a sound like that of a mighty wind and ‘there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each one of them’ (Acts 2:1-3). The result was that ‘they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance’ (v.4).
The Trinity
The subject of this article may perhaps seem dry and abstract, or of little practical importance for the Christian life. But really there is no truth of the Christian Faith that is more important for the way of salvation and the Christian life. Christianity stands or falls with the doctrine of the Trinity; where this truth has been abandoned, Christianity soon disappears. It is the landmark of the Christian Faith.
When Should We Go to War?
War is a terrible thing. Those who are most in favour of war are generally those who are safe in the knowledge that they will never be called upon to fight. War brings suffering beyond description – to combatants and non-combatants: lives destroyed, bodies and minds devastated.
How Should Christians Respond to Covid-19?
Self-isolation; pandemic; super spreader; coronavirus; covid-19. Just a few of the words and phrases that have become part of everyday conversation since the first outbreak of a novel coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, China on 31 December 2019. How should we as Christians respond to an event like this? How can we be salt and light?
The Sabbath
Voltaire, the French philosopher and sceptic of the 18th century, is reported to have said “If you would destroy Christianity you must first kill Sunday” the inference is that so long as men preserve and observe the one day in seven as a sacred day, so long will religious life be vigorous; and conversely, just in the measure that men secularise the Sabbath and make a common day of it, will they lose the sense of God and so lose religion.
Angels seem to be everywhere nowadays - angel cards, angel charms, angel therapy, lots of books about angels and a lot more. One of the best-selling books in recent years has been Lorna Byrne’s, “Angels in my hair”. She claims to have had many encounters with angels and to have received a lot of comfort from them. Some people believe that a white feather falling in their pathway can be a message from an angel. So why are angels so popular? What should we believe about them? And can they really help you?
Conspiracy Theories
WE ALL love mysteries. Story writers know how we are enticed by a tale where the true causes of an event lie hidden in complex plans devised by powerful institutions. You are drawn in as you follow the hero’s discoveries, and all is put right once the evildoers are exposed and vanquished. The present popularity of conspiracy theories reaches far beyond the world of entertainment.
Holy Spirit in Creation
In the beginning, BANG! That is how it all began, or so they tell us! A book firmly committed to the theory of evolution gives the following explanation of how the Universe began. ‘We live in a Universe far removed from its violent beginnings. Time, space and matter all began about 12 to 15 billion years ago in an explosive event called the Big Bang, Cosmologists (cosmology is the scientific study of the origins, structure and development of the Universe) believe this because the Universe is still expanding: run time backwards, reversing this expansion, and both logic and the theory of relativity suggest that at the beginning all matter was concentrated into a single point of infinite density.