Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine


Travel by car, bus or train (one of the most beautiful train journeys in the world -it is said!) Walk the Peace Bridge (if it’s not blowing a gale). Make your way past the Guildhall and up Shipquay Street to the Diamond. You are now entering the historic Cathedral Quarter of the City of Derry. Where are you going? You are heading to Gateway Shop on Pump Street in the heart of the city!

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Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine

Solas Church (Limerick) - Church Profile

Solas is the Irish word for ’light’ and is in the name to provide a simple evangelistic opportunity to point people to Jesus who is the Light of the World who came into the world in order to rescue those who are in darkness. SOLAS is also the term used to highlight five important Bible truths of the Reformation known as the Five Solas: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone) and Soli Deo Gloria (to God’s Glory Alone).

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Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine Church Profiles, Profiles, Current Affairs Messenger Magazine

Ballenon and Ballylane

The congregations of Ballenon and Ballylane are a joint charge, both congregations in and of themselves being too small numerically and unable financially to have a pastor of their own.  The church buildings are located just over halfway between Armagh and Newry in the townlands of Loughguilly (Ballenon) and Mowhan (Ballylane). Currently there are two elders in Ballenon and three in Ballylane (one of whom is retired from duties due to advanced age).

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